The Central Problems of Metaphysics

If you know just enough Aristotle or Aquinas to know you would benefit from a more careful study of the basic principles of Aristotelian or Thomistic metaphysics, please join us for this seminar. Many of Witherspoon seminars tackle big life questions—this seminar, however, will be a close and detailed study of a classic Thomistic manual […]

Jane Austen’s Emma – Formation, Malformation, and Education through Friendship Seminar

Jane Austen noted that the titular character in her novel Emma is “a heroine whom no one but myself will much like”. Emma is certainly no Elizabeth Bennet, whose sparkling wit and keen intelligence have made her decidedly the most popular Austen character—but judging by the multiple film adaptations of Austen’s later and more complex novel (including […]

Coffee and Conversation

Join us for casual coffee and conversation on Wednesday mornings, 9:00am - 10:30am. Princeton and PTS students are warmly invited!

Romance, Dating, and Marriage Seminar

There are many songs about love but not a whole lot of guidance or practical wisdom to be found, or at least it can seem that way. Perhaps you want something meaningful in your relationships but the cultural scripts aren’t especially clear, your friends seem just as confused as you, and few people seem to […]

Another Eden: Lewis and Milton on Genesis Seminar

Perelandra is one of C. S. Lewis’ finest and most intriguing works. Drawing from the legacy of Milton’s great epic, Paradise Lost, Lewis reimagines the story of Genesis as it might occur on a world different from ours and recasts it in the form of a modern novel—much as Milton reworks the biblical narrative as an epic […]

God Matters

God Matters Led by R.J. Snell According to Thomas Aquinas, some truths about God surpass the capacity of unaided human reason and require revelation, while other truths are knowable by unaided, natural reason. This seminar explores some puzzles of classical theism through reason alone, without appeal to revelation or any particular religious tradition or authority. […]
