The Moral Vision of Jane Austen Seminar

We are launching a seminar for women: open to undergraduates, graduate students, and young professionals in the community on the work of Jane Austen. We will start with an in-depth look at Pride and Prejudice, her most popular novel, as a way of examining male-female relationships, female friendships, courage & other virtues, and the complex […]

Problem of Pain Seminar

A follow-up to the fall seminar on loneliness, this five-week seminar works through C.S. Lewis’s The Problem of Pain. Topics include the classic problem of evil, namely, if God is all good and all powerful there should not be evil and suffering, so either God does not exist, or God is not good, or God is […]

Blueprint or Freedom? Discerning Your Vocation

The second in a four part series of disputations, examining "disputed" questions live among young people today. Led by Professor R. J. Snell. For Princeton Students Lunch provided

Moral Life and the Classical Tradition (Men)

Princeton, NJ Princeton, NJ, United States

The Moral Life and the Classical Tradition Seminar is a week-long program for rising high school juniors and seniors as well as rising college freshmen interested in the ancient philosophical tradition and its influence in the Christian moral life.
