Aristotelian Reading Group

Aristotelian Reading Group Led by Sebastian Hayden A line-by-line reading of selected sections of the Nicomachean Ethics. No previous study of Aristotle needed, and reading prior to the seminar is not required.  A light breakfast is provided, as are all reading materials. All Princeton undergraduate or graduate students are warmly invited.

Habits of the Mind

Habits of the Mind Led by R.J. Snell We tend to be familiar with the moral virtues—wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice, say—and many will know Aristotle’s articulation of the intellectual virtues, but Aristotle’s intellectual virtues seem abstract and not especially relevant to our lives. Since we’re intellectual beings, the intellectual virtues oughtn’t be alien to […]

Rehearsal and Lunch with Maestro Manfred Honeck

We will join our friends from the Morningside Institute and the Merton Institute to attend the first rehearsal of Maestro Manfred Honeck's concert with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and Víkingur Ólafsson in New York City. They will perform Beethoven's Seventh Symphony and Brahm's First Piano Concerto. Afterwards, we will join Maestro Honeck for lunch. […]

The Consequences of a Trump or Harris Victory

The Consequences of a Trump or Harris Victory Led by Brandon Van Dyck How will the outcome of the upcoming presidential election affect the US and US policy? This is a positive question, not a normative one; our political preferences are irrelevant. In this semester’s graduate discussion group, we’ll consider the effects of a Trump or […]

Aristotelian Reading Group

Aristotelian Reading Group Led by Sebastian Hayden A line-by-line reading of selected sections of the Nicomachean Ethics. No previous study of Aristotle needed, and reading prior to the seminar is not required.  A light breakfast is provided, as are all reading materials.  All Princeton undergraduate or graduate students are warmly invited.

God Matters

God Matters Led by R.J. Snell According to Thomas Aquinas, some truths about God surpass the capacity of unaided human reason and require revelation, while other truths are knowable by unaided, natural reason. This seminar explores some puzzles of classical theism through reason alone, without appeal to revelation or any particular religious tradition or authority. […]
