The Consequences of a Trump or Harris Victory
The Consequences of a Trump or Harris Victory Led by Brandon Van Dyck How will the outcome of the upcoming presidential election affect the US and US policy? This is a […]
An independent research center in Princeton, New Jersey.
The Consequences of a Trump or Harris Victory Led by Brandon Van Dyck How will the outcome of the upcoming presidential election affect the US and US policy? This is a […]
“Are My Genes Too Tight?” An Exploration of Genetic Engineering and Human Freedom Led by Dr. Janet Madigan This event is a part of the Witherspoon Forum, a program which […]
“Are My Genes Too Tight?” An Exploration of Genetic Engineering and Human Freedom Led by Dr. Janet Madigan This event is a part of the Witherspoon Forum, a program which […]
Aristotelian Reading Group Led by Sebastian Hayden A line-by-line reading of selected sections of the Nicomachean Ethics. No previous study of Aristotle needed, and reading prior to the seminar is not […]
“Are My Genes Too Tight?” An Exploration of Genetic Engineering and Human Freedom Led by Dr. Janet Madigan This event is a part of the Witherspoon Forum, a program which […]
Philosophy in Stone: On Architecture and Public Space Led by R.J. Snell Material culture, including architecture and public space, is neither simply adornment or brute utility but an expression of […]