Witherspoon Forum: Transhumanism and Death (Session 1)
ZoomTRANSHUMANISM AND DEATH Led by Dr. Charles Rubin This event is a part of the Witherspoon Forum, a program which provides a space for high school students who are serious […]
An independent research center in Princeton, New Jersey.
TRANSHUMANISM AND DEATH Led by Dr. Charles Rubin This event is a part of the Witherspoon Forum, a program which provides a space for high school students who are serious […]
Princeton in Stone: Locale and Architecture Led by R.J. Snell While attendance at the previous seminar on architecture is not required, this seminar follows on Philosophy in Stone and is a […]
TRANSHUMANISM AND DEATH Led by Dr. Charles Rubin This event is a part of the Witherspoon Forum, a program which provides a space for high school students who are serious […]
Princeton in Stone: Locale and Architecture Led by R.J. Snell While attendance at the previous seminar on architecture is not required, this seminar follows on Philosophy in Stone and is a […]
TRANSHUMANISM AND DEATH Led by Dr. Charles Rubin This event is a part of the Witherspoon Forum, a program which provides a space for high school students who are serious […]
Princeton in Stone: Locale and Architecture Led by R.J. Snell While attendance at the previous seminar on architecture is not required, this seminar follows on Philosophy in Stone and is a […]