Aristotelian Reading Group

Aristotelian Reading Group Led by Sebastian Hayden A line-by-line reading of selected sections of the Nicomachean Ethics. No previous study of Aristotle needed, and reading prior to the seminar is not […]

Graduate Seminar on Pragmatism

Graduate Seminar on Pragmatism Led by Brandon Van Dyck This seminar will explore the most important philosophical tradition of American origin: pragmatism. We will discuss how our perceptions and language […]

Princeton in Stone: Locale and Architecture

Princeton in Stone: Locale and Architecture Led by R.J. Snell While attendance at the previous seminar on architecture is not required, this seminar follows on Philosophy in Stone and is a […]

Natural Law Theory Seminar Day 1

Natural Law Theory Seminar Led by Matthew X. Wilson, R.J. Snell, and Robert P. George What is “New Natural Law Theory,” and are there “old” natural law theories that came […]

Natural Law Theory Seminar Day 2

Natural Law Theory Seminar Led by Matthew X. Wilson, R.J. Snell, and Robert P. George What is “New Natural Law Theory,” and are there “old” natural law theories that came […]
